Wishing and Waiting Helpy Pet Challenge

3 Mar


Hear ye! Hear ye! Good people of North– Hey! Get off that! What are you doing? Stop “helping”!
One of the bright spots of eSCA has been meeting others’ pets as they wander through meetings, interrupt classes, knock over cameras, and generally “help.” Celebrate their contributions by sharing a photo of your companion(s) at their helpiest, whether lying on the fabric you were cutting, tasting your ink, filling your helm with fur, or otherwise enhancing your SCA experience.
The Barony of Nordskogen invites you to share your favorite helpy pet picture on the Wishing and Waiting Helpy Pet Challenge Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1025786314832579.
Join the group to post or, if you’re not on Facebook, email the photo and your caption to carrie.snyder.74@gmail.com

A few rules apply:
 By submitting, you are agreeing to have the image shared in the public group.
 Try to keep it SCA-related: e.g., pets with SCA Zoom? Yes! Pets with video games? No.
 Define “pet” as you like, so long as there are no humans in the photo (that is, no photo releases required).
 Please, no animals in danger or pain. Please ensure all animals are safe.
 Please keep your photos appropriate for a family audience.
o Any photos deemed inappropriate will be removed by the admins.
 And of course, HAVE FUN!! Show off those adorable critters that fill our hearts with love! 😊